
Do you dispute this sentence?: "These are really dark and fucked up violations to a person, all on a physical level much deeper and darker than simple brutality."

But you're absolutely right that we should be wary to reduce Korra to that, although I'd note that the art itself is definitely inviting the comparison.

I definitely did say "the way you put it," because before I hadn't thought of that AT ALL. And I totally agree that it's a connection that shouldn't be eagerly made. Notice my hesitation before I got out that word, "rape." It's a hell of a line to cross.

maybe i just read about too much horrible shit already

Planet Varrick.

Part of what had three start out so great was the sheer storylessness. Things were happening and you were dying to know why. What was going on that we knew about wasn't so interesting, but of course we didn't know that they were going to tie fucking everything together into a perfect cocktail. I never expected Avatar

Varrick spinoff. VARRICK SPINOFF.

An instant scale replica of Ba Sing Se at the age of ten. Feet that comprehend the entire world at once at 85? Sure.

At this point I accept that Toph can do pretty much fucking anything.

I was also pretty high and dry at the beginning of season three, I suppose. But season three started with us caring because of how they handled the brief scenes with the villains. There was so much wonder in that. They don't have that here.

I was also pretty high and dry at the beginning of season three, I suppose. But season three started with us caring because of how they handled the brief scenes with the villains. There was so much wonder in that. They don't have that here.

"Amon placed his hands on her head and removed her bending, Unalaq forcibly extracted Ravva out from inside Korra while Zaheer forced poison in through her skin, nearly killing her and weakening her severely for three years."

I think the reason I didn't like this episode or the last is that they just didn't give me anything to think about, which has been a huge draw for me with this show. We have the plot moving forward, but there's very little nuance or intrigue or subtext.

come on you guys how good of a person were YOU while in junior high

I agree but am giving it the benefit of the doubt for now. I think this'll work its way back into the narrative.

I'll give it to the show for Toph telling Korra to confront and learn from her enemies. Very important point for the whole series.

The only thing I really terribly enjoyed about this episode, on the scale of the big picture, was Toph telling Korra to learn from her enemies. I've been needing that to happen from this show a lot.

The only thing I really terribly enjoyed about this episode, on the scale of the big picture, was Toph telling Korra to learn from her enemies. I've been needing that to happen from this show a lot.

So. These last two episodes have been pretty whatever, huh? Thank god there's promise of some Helms Deep Zaofu shit.

Not sure that she's as strictly business as you'd imagine. Someone who's strictly business wouldn't go "I'll take on the bandits myself." She also would likely quietly not hand over power or micromanage Wu if she was strictly business. Instead, she told every leader their that their position is part of a terrible