Rich guy spends rounding error on his check for internet brownie points and free #content. Well played, CoBeagle well played.
That’s just the RJ Reynolds incentive spirometer.
Are you aborting takeoff after v1 when the windshear warning goes off?
Univision just wants their money back. The managerial staff ie editors have an ability to effect policy of their own division that effects profitability. They are not helpless at the whims of their corporate overlords those are called freelancers or the long term unemployed. Gawker was run like a frat house with an…
Fire is the only answer here. The GT is a gorgeous expression of Phalic design, this is an overweight c class. You Teutonic bastards stop sedaning all the things.
The traditional New York greeting, another clue you’ve landed there.
Passion+ sandals?
And shout at a store clerk
Cabbies could hit their ‘daily income’ in the morning and instead of working all day and not working the next they just went home. Would you drive an aging crown Vic on bald tires in the rain.
Those don’t have to scent of oppression that comes from sharing a studio apartment with three roommates.
RV interest is tax deductible, go ahead and treat yourself, but don’t ever use ‘#VanLife’.
The smell?
Who’s collecting the baksheesh and how much is it?
I said there were proportionally more paste eaters, which is the logical end point of protected workers and a union that won’t enforce quality standards.
Who let auto tune technology be exported to Jamaica? Glory be to Jah, for the subtitles.