
I’m sure your fiancé is a Botticelli, don’t be so harsh even if they drive a equinox. 

When was the last one, and how much revenue did it bring? Jason should have a whole feature devoted to automotive oddities, but they are expensive to produce properly and you don’t have any money. His time is better spent cobbling together four or five posts from wiki et al. Then maybe have a special event at a

Russian dressing is a Soviet plot to destroy the will of the people. 

Does it Baby, actual mileage, actual purchase prices, could it be your only car, does it 8x4 plywood, does it fire road, can you get to all of the spark plugs, does an oil change require a double jointed Filipino, how does it handle with and without a trailer, does it try to scare you or is it more of a benign

Chevy only produces Rubens. There’s  lot of Venus in the mirror in their designs. 

Slash costs and focus on your core business, starting with moving out of high cost space. Your staff can’t afford it and neither can Univision. Second think about where your traffic comes from and how to focus on that core market. Improving the lives of the cubicle hobits is a nobel profession, embrace it.


The difference is proportion, there are way more paste eaters in a union shop and often it’s the damn steward. 

‘This male is bearing its teeth to warn a predator that he will fight. The shrewd predator however knows the young male loses power between 3500 and 4500 rpm, and is undeterred’ 

HMMWV Velcro  

Then fire all the staff keep four editors and freelance everyone. The one time bottom line hit from the redundancy packages can be charged to a different cost center. This isn’t a complicated process, but investing in new product lines before you dump something is weird, especially a product line that doesn’t seem to

Is that Toyota electric because she seems totally unaware that it is about to pounce? Please tell me this is from a documentary narrated by Sir. David Attenborough.

No way that pencils out, even if you assume that a video is worth 10x a blog post in revenue, which it isn’t. Someone is cooking the books. 4 people producing a more complicated product plus higher fix costs means Univision would be in the Rojo, even with the inflated revenue. 

How in the hell could video be cheaper than a blog post? 

It’s not bad it’s the 50 deep shit heels standing between you and the painting that ruin it. The Musee d’Orsay is better anyway.

And put it in the sky! 

It’s still better than a cab with its unkempt driver and uplostery and a copy of terrorist times (the NYPost) on the right front seat. Give me a college student who doesn’t know what ‘per mile cost’ means. 

The best kind?

How does it go on toast with Parmesan shavings and a touch of pesto? 

I have nothing but good things to say about the 4 pot XE I drove. The shifter was a digi knob thing that lifted from the center console and will probably break in 5 years, but otherwise it was lovely.