
Is this how the trump administration wins Colorado? 

You seem to be labouring under the false assumption that the steel workers union cares about other workers. 

Ask a Kerbel. 

Tell me, does this jello contain vodka? 

An opinion piece from an activist group. 


Even if it is fca and geely?

The Post did the poll, and then dropped the coverage. It was really amazing how fast the internet spun up the pitchforks and then when someone actually asked the community, it all died. Also, no one cares that the Compton high school mascot is still called the “Tar Babes”.

Jeremy Corbin to the rescue. 

Just buy the damn sonata. 

kapton tape or gtfo.

Until you realize the only person who cared about the name of the team was a white Washington post writer and when the post actually asked native people the majority either liked it or didn’t care. White people trying to help are the worst.

So it’s a wheel that gets sadder at the push of a button? 

Only if you lock the diffs, transfer case, and put it into low range. 

Question, does this count as black face? I am sure she is lovely, but whoever had the sprayer was very aggressive. But she stand there like a trooper in heels in the grass, giving a longing look at what I can only imagine is the dessert tent.

You take that god damn back. 

There are 1440 minutes in a day god damn it! 

Now do it in reverse Polish notation you amateurs

Rotator cuff surgery from all the high fives? 

Like all of us olds living out our teenage fantasies it hurts his back and so he can’t drive it.