
I think you vastly over estimate the cost of the systems. The major hurdle would be sensors, the rest is just software ie overhead to be spread. As the sensors have gotten ridiculously cheap you get this explosion. The same reason your toaster has WiFi, the cost of a WiFi chip is nothing.

Maybe they will negotiate for a unified emissions/ safety standard you know to help American companies sell abroad.

Is the Trump really playing chess and forcing people to the bargaining table?

In fairness what you did was a huge dick move and Twitter should have banned you for it.

“Entomology of the Appalachian Outhouse” is a seminal piece reguardless of where it was typed.

Is that why their projection wildly inflated the size of Belgium

Of course the Germans are running through Belgium.

Behold the West Virginia fire suit.

Is the crown prince into big butts, but is willing to lie about it.

That flat head could be fixed with a pair of vise grips and a stern look.

How does a tractor manufacturer integrate different engine manufacturers into the same chassis?

How does Mahindra fit into that?

I don’t support Canadian websites on principle.

If we don’t let them have it they will mature to breeding age, which for that population is 14.

What type of porn does a Saudi executive have on their lap top? Up burka?

Do you think “right to repair” laws will lead to something like NMEA 2000 or is that a pipe dream.

Case still builds compelling products. I think the Harley effect is strong, but that makes the poor customer care even worse. Screwing your cult is a poor long term strategy.

Why would a farmer want to purchase a Deere John if they can’t fix it? Fair enough if they are leased machines and big green covers all the maintence and downtime risk, but if the wheat needs to come out of the field the wheat needs to come out of the field.

And that person was subsequently covered in tar and feathers and thrown off the cliffs at Dover.

It has 6 cylinders too many. It should an all electric all wheel drive jagwag for dentists who hate tires and bmws.