Is this why the people of El Paso put diesel in your Porsches, what did Kurt do at rosas cantina?
Is this why the people of El Paso put diesel in your Porsches, what did Kurt do at rosas cantina?
Something nicer
Props to the idiot who pulled it off though.
The only way to make this more Canadian is to replace the boat with a snow machine.
By those he means a functional neck and a foot.
And if you were the government of New Jersey, and you received income tax from the people in jersey (though charging people to live in jersey seems cruel) would you encourage manufacturers to consolidate on your side of the river? The question was does Canada offer any competitive advantages for manufacturing other…
The people of Portland prefer to riot the day after instead.
The chicken tax is the tariff that produced that interesting fact.
America’s hat isn’t the third world, and the US worker is much more productive than a Chinese one.
Please provide a link to the media article, any media article, clearly laying out the arguments and alternatives around public transit in Nashville.
No one is keeping you from voting. Your problem is you take your policy advice from billionaires with agendas instead of people who know what they are doing.
Other than the historic weakness in the loonie what is the advantage of manufacturing in Canada?
Toyota moved its us headquarters to Plano, and lost a solid chunk of their work force. Big blue is the only top 20 engineering school in Michigan, and 3 of the top 5 are in California.
Point of order, I live in a shit hole city that thinks road repair means allowing the traffic to gradually wear down the tarmac until it is level with the bottom of the pot holes.
Hippie news from Berkeley, also go look at the current injury rates, if as you says a spike is expected during commissioning.
Regulatory filings, and no “independent journalists” didn’t discover anything other than a UAW press release.
34-24-42, also the codes to the Russian ballistic missile launch control.
This is one of the few good reasons to live in Miami, but I also assume she has her keys in her hand and behind her is a scratch all the way through the paint, one of the many many good reasons not to live in Miami.
UAW is trying to force a vote and since Tesla is actually safer than UAW plants they have to make their own trouble.