
What is kanukistan’s economic effecency in auto manufacturing? Isn’t the only advantage the relative weakness of the loonie?

I assume the steering wheel screen just displays reminders to keep your hands on the steering wheel?

*panel gaps

What is “the lotus touch” and will it melt my electrics?

So is the majority of California.

Indeed the Mark 19 is a bit of a nightmare especially when the help can’t read, and if I had a reliable source for QLZs I may be with you. But for now it is easier to ship ex-Maghreb mark 19s through Doha than it is to ship QLZs through Astana. Also it seems easier to label M430A1s as “mining charges” for some reason.

She seems like she enjoys reading travel novels and dreams of a trip to California, but grand dad is sick and the price of corn is down so she didn’t get to go to college and does what she can to help out.

This is what happens when you stop letting the Italians run things, sure it costs a little more and they didn’t come on saint whatever day, but Jesus they kept the bull shit down.

You will drive a mondeo and like it god damn it!

So do you have a similar map for people to find well woman exams? Don’t get me wrong unprotected sex is a civil right and high priority, but there are other things to check too.

I have had challenges importing from the PRC, they simply don’t appreciate good customer service. My last shipment of QLZ-04s was delayed. Which unfortunately resulted in my expediter practicing his kegles with an F-1 he had the gall to bring to our negotiation. A messy business that. I find the Arabs much more

Note Taco Bell “beef” makes an efficient and durable repair for all types of road surfaces, and has a rated strength of 10k psi after two weeks of curing.

You are aware the taxes go into different pots right?

Yeah it is against union rules. Some teamster better dig up those patches or the brotherhood is dead.

Not even close. If you are going to complain about ignorance please don’t be ignorant.

Stop body shaming!

“Executive analysts”

You took err jerbs!

Dear Mr Ballaban,

So someone crashed into the back of his accent and instead of going through insurance and getting a salvaged title he chopped it up and made this Hyundai Ute? It looks half decent, and if Hyundai had the stones to do it from the factory it might be a goer, but never buy someone else’s project. Divide the price by ten