Bani Yadav would like a word with you. And I think Sneha Sharma may as well. Leaving aside the rather kick arse endurance riders who compete sans testicle. Try harder.
Bani Yadav would like a word with you. And I think Sneha Sharma may as well. Leaving aside the rather kick arse endurance riders who compete sans testicle. Try harder.
This is getting out of hand, just send the germans back through.
Pull the trunk hinges out and turn them into “art” and it might just pay for the car.
Drives an Audi though so...
Stop with the fake news! Next you are going tell me Michelle Mouton is real! It’s like believing in Santa Claus, women have never been drivers. Alanis has already made it very clear.
If it has to fit a fire truck it can fit a brodozer, some local yokel council person is probably wrong.
Drove in Wisconsin in a major city, and the roads were so bad the dirt parts where smoother. It really is terrible how you people have let your roads go to shit and then wonder why people buy off-roaders.
Why do you hate polar bears? Did one take your coke?
The Cruze comes as a brown manual diesel hatch, I will fight you.
Is this why they moved their headquarters to Texas.
That’s why you always install a gun rack on your truck. It keeps down the bullshit, even if you are a hippie tree hugging pacifist.
Up hill both ways in the snow, leave the fat bastard alone.
So the fun bit without the tricky bit?
It is spec for spec with the Vespa so yes.
You meet the nicest people on a Honda...
What color?
*Subarus are “two nommies” cars.
“Just jackin’ it”
Meaning cvt?
4K seems like a lot of potatoes.