How long has your wife been in Delta Gamma?
How long has your wife been in Delta Gamma?
Don’t ruin it. This is how the species protects itself from itself.
How does a transformer die? If it is still a car then it lives on
He is the Danica Patrick of F1
But does he like def leopard and pretty girls?
An invasion of Poland?
Why isn’t the deal complete before the order is placed? You write your contract with a contract price, deposit/remainder on delivery sign it and then they order the car, right? That way there is a contract if it goes sidewards?
To the assembled multitude, what is the maintenance like on one of these? Is it “service by Porsche” expensive but the parts are reasonably if you turn your own wrenches or is everything made out of unicorn tears and money?
By buying the cayman?
It’s K-Logg god damn it!
And probably improved the weight distribution
Long live the Ramones!
I get it in theory but how do you get the crackling crisp?
Detroit is already a burned out shit hole, skynet can only improve the place.
Is this because GM plagerized the fit for the bolt?
One should never drive a wrangler faster than 55 mph. There is a reason the speedometer only goes to 100.
It’s clearly blue and if you think it is gold you are a monster