Mathia Ribelle

I think "greater infidelity" is a bit of a stretch. Infidelity is infidelity, just like lies are lies. Some may be more destructive than others, but they can't be justified that way.

Awww 'cheeky bastard bash' <3

Omg Antoine is GONE?! This is just spoiler after spoiler. Well…this show is definitely validating the French stereotype… Lots of lovers. I think you have something going with the PTSD. Mary doesn't know what love is anymore (too bad she didn't pick Bash) because the person she trusted most in the world, shattered it.

Lol way to phrase it. Good job

What…WHAT?! Bash is giving up on the marriage?! What the fuck?! That means my hero is DEAD! How did this spoiler not make the front page?! Oh my gggggggggnoooooooooooooo

Wow, that was amazing! Fantastically thorough, enjoyable, and well-written. I wanted to catch up on the latest episode, but never got the chance. It's so SAD that characters as passionate as Condé and Mary are so…drab with one another. After the "we can never be together" attitude was established, I think the spark