
Thank you for stating it this way. My sons are too old to worry about this, but the thought did go through my mind that if they asked to be Black Panther for Halloween, would it be worse to be appropriating someone else’s culture, or is it better that they look up to roles models that aren’t all white (like they are)?


That is awesome! Back when I taught Geometry, I would spend a day in the similarity unit talking about why Gulliver’s Travels Lilliputs and Brobdinags couldn’t really be similar copies of humans for many of the reasons cited here. We would do a few “off the cuff” calculations using similarity with length, area, and

I was watching that BM episode the other night and both my wife and my son thought it was Matt Damon at first. It took internet assistance to place him as the Friday Night Lights kid, however.

That would be awesome. I think when I got the Ewok village, I was probably the most excited I ever was.

I have been meaning to learn some of this for years now, but the push is even stronger than ever now. There is a free online homework system called MyOpenMath, and it is adaptable enough that you can code your own problems, but I haven’t had any programming since a Pascal class back in the early 90s. This looks like

That and space Leia were the two things I hated about the movie. I liked the rest (loved somethings) and am slowly closing coming to grips with the loss of my childhood heroes. But I agree that some of this had to happen this move things forward.

For me, it really is about hope. Superman should represent the best of us. He wasn’t infallible in the Donner movies—he wrestled with that some (some of it successful and some of it not so successful), but he was always hopeful.

Such a great idea! I did this years ago with a photo slide show (or Powerpoint) turned into a video. It was pretty plain, but it had a countdown with the requisite “Happy New Years” finale.

My kids are too old for this now, but if you don’t have Netflix, the slide show can be a nice substitute.

That is a great point. It has taken a lot for me to get used to the idea that my childhood heroes (Luke, Han, and Leia) “failed” (and I still don’t completely like it), but I think it definitely opens the universe wider, and I really want to see more Star Wars. I don’t think I want to see more Skywalker family drama.

Perfectly fine too. But if you like SW, the Clone Wars and Rebels is pretty good (especially later seasons of Clone Wars). I’ve watched them with my kids, and we still really enjoy them.

I am hoping when Rebels ends, the next show focuses on Luke, Leia, and Han between ROTJ and TFA so that I can still see them heroic

Rebels and Clone Wars tv shows are, per Disney. All books/comics that have come out since Disney bought SW are canon also. All other shows, books, etc, are not (but sometimes, people sneak good bits and pieces of the old canon back in with new things).

From a SW nerd, but one without enough knowledge to be a pedant

I like your idea, but I mentioned in another thread that perhaps the tv show that is supposed to come out after Rebels ends could take the place of this.
It could show Snoke’s rise to power and Luke and Co continuing adventures in a long story format that would be very satisfying (and I would get to have my childhood

Totally agree. Until the prequels, we never knew anything about the Emperor, Boba Fett, or anything about Luke and Leia’s mother. If you read a book, it might be “canon,” but I am pretty sure all those books I read in the early 80s weren’t very canonical (I did not read the Jacen/Jaina books later).

Sometimes the

That’s interesting. Maybe that leaves room for more comics/animated tv shows ala Rebels and the Clone Wars?

I thought that as well. My family and I decided that if they ended the series after this movie, it would be fine (not that we want it to end). You know that the rebellion survives, light side and dark side still fight, and there are still force adepts and future rebels in the galaxy.

I felt like many parts of the film

He honestly wasn’t as fun for me this last episode. I really like watching Miller have fun with the character, and I really liked his portrayal in the cross over, but I felt he was just a little too over the top this last episode of Legends. Of course, I felt the Teddy Ruxpin rip-off becoming a viking god was just a

That made me chuckle.

I did a similar thing with mathematics with my kids. I didn’t worry about teaching facts like 1+2 = 3, but we did play “sugar packet math” at restaurants while waiting for our food to arrive. Questions like, “How many are in this pile? How many more do I need to get to 7 packets?” teach those ideas first by making

Yeah. I think I might have that Sears Cantina playset around somewhere. I glued cardboard onto the back of it to hold it together.

I know I still have the blue, full-size Snaggletooth (and his “little brother” that I got later). My dad got paid every two weeks, and that Friday was Star Wars action figure day for me.

I think I had that exact base on a playset, but it had an ice cave with the Falcon in the background. Sears was the store where I grew up.