Mathew Bell

Five of these would have passed as my personal picks, weirdly enough. But I think Elephant Gun by Beirut would have been my final choice. Whenever I have a day that I am particularly unhappy with, I'll put that song on, feel about 19 disparate emotions, and then walk away feeling inexplicably better than I had before.

My wife forces me to listen that song they made with Luke Brian (Bryan?) Brianne?)) Brioche?))) and I just think "I know there are reasons that married you. I know they exist, and I know they seemed super important to me at the time, but you're about to be dropped off at the next rest stop."

This is, by far, the best of these that I've read. Holy shit, fuck Sublime. The Florida Georgia Line of California music.

It seems kind of mean spirited to throw in a dig about his only claim to fame being Napoleon Dynamite. Gentlemen Broncos, and Nacho Libre were both a lot of fun to watch. Personally, I think Gentlemen Broncos is a great movie.

Totally agree. MPP probably ranks last for me when I think about their post Here Comes the Indian albums. I like it. I still listen to it. But I don't think it's the high water mark people make it out to be, and I honestly think that Centipede Hz was a more natural evolution of their sound than MPP was.

I was one of the best world wide players on N+, and I loved it, but I don't know, man. I just don't think I can let myself get invested in it all over again. I have more kids, and a wife now…. I'm going to have to pass. Not because it doesn't look amazing. It does. I just can't do this to myself!

The only other thing I can say about this is that it is never a single incident that causes it. There's usually a catalyst, sure, but really it's the culmination of all of the regrets, and lost opportunities in a life time. I grew up in a religious cult, realizing that I was an atheist at a fairly early age, and I was

No problem. My post doesn't feel quite right because it seems like it wants to build to an answer. Some kind of revelation that might make someone in that situation see with a bit more clarity that their continued existence is worth keeping. As far as I know, that answer doesn't exist. It took me over a year to even

He isn't wrong, and yet, he isn't right. A few years ago I went through something that fundamentally changed my life, and left me alone, without hope, or any kind of understanding as to how I was to proceed with my life. Over the course of a few months, my despair deepened to the point where killing myself was all I

Base Wars was one of my favorite games as a kid. I played that game obsessively for years.

I loved the diner scene from the previous episode, but beyond that, I do find it hard to be interested in what they are doing. Wayne's group is kind of fascinating, though.

I don't mean this to be rude, but I think we create too many expectations about stories based on the sometimes completely arbitrary genre classification that was put on it. I'd rather the show be what it wants to be than have it conform to known tropes.

Agreed. Or that they just didn't want to make her feel worse. That's definitely what I took from it.

A lot of people insist that the problem with these movies is that Jackson is too much the fan, and that he can't let anything go from the story. I wonder what movies these people have been watching. It is painfully obvious that the only parts of the story that he actually likes are the bits he added himself.

Which parts did you love? The wooden, terribly written dialogue, or the three and half hours of ridiculous, nonsensical action sequences that not only became unbearably boring after twenty minutes, but also served to very efficiently destroy any semblance of sense that the plot was trying to make?

B- gives the impression that this is a decent, watchable movie. It isn't. It was quite possibly the most painful 3 hours of my life.