Mathew Bell

Sometimes I forget that as time passes, artists that became self parodies sometimes come back into vogue. Is this a thing for Ani Difranco now? Because I haven't bothered to be lulled into a smug coma by her since the 90's.

Can we take the turn table minus the Difranco?

King looooooves Deus ex Machina endings. Almost all of his major novels have them. It's very annoying.

You just described my reading habits. I read The Dark Tower, gently set it down, looked around the room, and softly proclaimed "Nope. Never again."

This is possibly the best synopsis of the final three books ever written. This series was an obsession for me in grade school, and high school. The final three books left me feeling like my blood had slowly been drained out in a warm bath tub.

That's not what you're doing, though. You're not giving context. In fact, you're ignoring the context, and just making random comparisons.

They're supposed to be cliches. They are actually, literally supposed to be cliches. Sorry you misunderstood the intent of what you were listening to.

Why does it need to be up to par, or under par with anyone else? Don't judge art based on what it isn't. Judge it for what it is.

I stopped reading after "your" when I realized he was talking about how stupid people are.


This is not a "internet hates everything" situation. This genuinely misses the point of what made the early books so great.

Also, if we're being honest, 5.

The casting looks fantastic. I have nothing else good to say about this.

I don't disagree with that. My concern with it is that it seems to center more on the fantastical journey of this modern kid who falls into a fantasy land than it does Roland. It's just that it's an over used trope, and moves away from a lot of what made the books great.

It looks like they mixed The Neverending Story with the recent Clash of the Titans movies. Young Adult meets mindless action set pieces. I was in love with these books when I was in high school, and this trailer is possibly the most disappointing thing I've seen this year.

Upvote for Royal Tenenbaums reference.

You guys forgot to mention that it would have been difficult for Jackson to be baffled by the Civil War as he died 16 years before it started.

Both equally.

If you don't hate Kid Rock, you never grew up at all.

Closer is not legitimately a good song, and everything you ever say in your life is now suspect.