
I think that a good third of RPG horror stories can be boiled down to "I was a female gamer and awful rapey bullshit happened because I dared to try to play D&D."

I'm vegan and I don't give a single fuck what other people eat. Hell, I'm married to a meat eater. I hope every other vegan can stop being a preachy shit aboutit and every meat eater can STFU about bacon and cheese when they find out that I'm vegan.

You can't leave a child alone whilst you go off to work, that's what swung having a dog for me.

"It looks bad and won't garner any sympathy" cause when you're so poor that you're on WIC, your first big worry should be what people think of your personal appearance. Not getting a job or paying debts or reorganizing your life, but what randoms on the street will think.

" earned a different income ago."

Please give us all an itemized list of what a recipients is supposed to look like so that we may distribute it among our clients. They MUST conform to your idea, mustn't they? We need to know what that is. On what continuum, between wearing rags while self flagellating in the lobby of my office to driving a Bentley

"Do you actually believe that everyone who is rich earned their wealth, or have you just been confused by an invisible system of networks, bridges, opportunity, hand-holding, inheritances, staggering debt, and even outright criminality in some cases behind it?"

I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.

Oh, lord. Where to start. I used to troll Yelp for fun, and there were a few gems that stuck out.

I was a girl who was rejected and miserable. I hated my peers, I contemplated suicide, I contemplated hurting other people. Boys rejected me, they laughed at me when I tried to talk to them, they pranked me. Girls did, too.

I have tremendous respect for Bornstein, but with all due respect, I have never had the word used "lovingly" with me by trusted friends and peers. Rather the word has been thrown at me in the most objectionable way you can imagine. And I think this is the experience for most young trans women. I can definitely see a

Don't "suffer injustice". I believe I have posted this here before but if not, here goes the Cliff Notes version:

NO. Fuck that "don't feed the trolls" bullshit. These guys are the tip of the iceberg of a huge problem our society has with its attitudes towards women, and it needs to be consistently called out. Misogynists want to silence women, and I'm done being fucking silent.

This person needs to quit his or her job and come work with me. I am (essentially) a professional ass-wiper and I have a cavalcade of ass-wiping ditties. The greatest hits are "Tangled Up In Poo," "Oh Danny boy, the wipes the wipes are calling" (when the wipee is named Danny), and the holiday classic "Let's Wipe Your