
Yeah I mean we could all watch the grand ol game of baseball. The sport that segregated itself until 1947, had work stoppages, collusion amongst owners to not pay players, hits batters, starts bench clearing brawls, doctored baseballs and bats, created a surge in popularity with players using illegal drugs while the

The hypocrisy on this site is mind boggling. This is the website that just a few short months ago paid $10,000 for "leaked" unretouched photos of Lena Dunham:…

Am I the only one not buying the stupid comment at the end he added? He more than likely shared the pics of his gf. Deleted those texts then added the stupid one at the end and sent the screenshots along.

I think you're right. We just don't really understand the game that well. If we watched more college fball, we'd understand how nearly impossible it is to play QB at a high level against big-time defenses. And I imagine we have lower than average TV ratings for games featuring neutral teams—we're fans of the Pats,

Totally. In the email to Deadspin the dude was like "As any guy would, I told the guy to fuck off"....he left out the part where he then bro'd it out with him about how DOPE naked chicks are.

Lol! Goodwin is one letter away from Godwin. It's funny. Don't overthink it.

"Our team sucks so bad a guy made a Marquise Goodwin joke and 16 people favorited the unfunny response"

He made a conscious decision to be the face of the group.

He signed on to be the front man (sorry) as well the majority owner in a group that wants to move a team from a city while being deceptive in the media about doing so. How is it not his fault?

The absurd lack of football knowledge among fans and the media around here enables the horrible people we get to run the team. Think about these decisions:

"I can barely tell the difference between a Bills tailgate and a 1970s Manchester coal-plant union protest. "

Donte HITNER. Not Hitler.

Mark Sanchez feels this way about women.

Been a Pats fan for a while now and I've seen this dance before. Everyone complains then they go on to win like 28 games or something then lose the Superbowl. Been there done that.

This is not unique to gaming or women. Virtually all types of commercial media directed toward younger men rightly or wrongly use this.

For the younger (and / or ignorant) crowd before we get all fired up. Here's some context: Littleton + same city as Columbine HS.


League looked at tape of entire practice and deemed Seahawks coaches were encouraging too much contact.

Yeah- it's almost as if we live in a country dominated by a religion based on forgiveness of sin, a justice system that is *wink * wink* rehabilitative, and a worldview that equates athletic prowess with moral fibre.