
Fuck Disney. I’m sick of them propping up people like yourself who would have simply supported a storyline which made sense

Why have a conversation format framed as opinions of fans of Star Wars if you both come out and admit you enjoyed TLJ at the outset.

This would mean something to me if you didn’t ignore the 10,000 other times AAA developers lied about their games.

I realize this place ever being self aware would be a monumental accomplishment but I feel like you should consider yourselves for this list.

You must have this confused with an actual list and not: “Another reason to hype Epic’s currently useless service at the expense of Steam who we don’t like because they believe in free speech.”

Competition in this scenario IS always good though.

It’s stupid to cheer this on. All it does it hurt football.

I’m going to go ahead and say that Altus hires business people more qualified than yourself who have determined that the game would sell more copies at a lesser cost than a Switch version.

This is such a stupid example of overpoliticiazation and media propagated delusion.

Yeah, except now that baseball is mostly “solved” it makes the game boring for smart people.

“How do I explain X to my daughter” when it’s a historical fact is just as stupid FYI.

If this type of comment is the best you can provide for a legitimate response then the time it took to write this article was largely a waste of time.

Nope. You engage in politics through conscious decision making.

I wanted to read your article but I saw the headline and decided that censoring a viewpoint opposed to mine with no debate was the better option.

Stop making sense before someone calls you a name like “egghead” in a laughable attempt to discredit you.

This is the type of writing that makes me laugh when people say the media is way worse for large market teams.

These type of snarky out of touch articles written on the west coast are largely the reason Trump is president. 

“Spence said his protest had nothing to do with either the flag or the military, which, sadly, is still how many choose to interpret the very specific gesture.”

Says a guy who used the far left-wing hate group SPLC as a source.
