
Pro-tip: Stop looking at things to be offended about. It will make your life 10x more enjoyable.

Does anyone else find this situation hypocritical?

Problem is anyone playing at master level understands why the pick ITSELF is in fact toxic.

To be fair I’m pretty sure Heroes of the Storm has less than 150k players at this point.

You’re having it both ways.

This is garbage. If Cassel was properly developed why did he and other guys like Mallet and Hoyer suck elsewhere?

Why are you shitting on that stat? It’s basically true. Only 3 11-5 teams have missed the playoffs. As an NFL reporter you should be generally aware that 11-5 teams missing the playoffs is extremely rare.

This defense by changing the subject is pretty lame. These arguments always existed, you just weren’t employed back then.

Did you even watch the game, did your 3 favorite friends watch either?

Sorry, that would require you to understand logic.

Using your same logic the greatest pawn in modern history was Obama being played by Muslim extremists.

And Democrats pray for shooter terrorists to be Republican white guys.

Hey guys just a reminder that while YOU may consider this disrespectful, these are just people using their protected freedom of speech rights to create awareness.

It’s historic.

The threat to democracy excuse is such bullshit.

If it was another game this would be a legitimate question.

I get the promotional materials thing. It’s not her.

Both contrarian arguments sound just as hypocritical from the liberal perspective......

Hey guys. Any time a police officer kills a black guy regardless of justification let’s post about it on non related blogs.