
Kraft, Brady, and Belichik are all full of shit. Ever since they got caught none of them have made the claim they didn’t cheat. They just object to everything else and the stupid media types let them get away with it over and over.

Does anyone else think the wife’s response is shit?

For the amount of hatred and entitlement in the original video I was deeply disappointed by the lack of any real substance here.

I feel like the biggest problem here is the sell.

Yeah. If you’re not a blonde girl generally police only go seriously public about missing people when what they actually mean is: “Dude ran off with the money but we are too lazy to do the work ourselves to find him.”

Can’t believe this troll response got 5 favorites.

Yeah, I’m still upset about that. Payload doesn’t even come close.

Only jarring to the Counterstrike fans the original version was aimed at for some reason.

This was an argument made to the Xbox One people by the 360 people I'm sure when that version came out....... Wait! It wasn't?

Since the console folk complain about how much things cost on the PC side you should understand an extra $50 is nothing after constructing our $20,000 multimedia gaming devices.

There's a chart on the Sabres reddit you need to look at. Actually you're way wrong.

This is dead on. Bills fans went to shit years ago. For the Sabres you always knew you had the pre-2007 group which you could at least rely on.

We have the right to do it. We don't have the right to avoid criticism due to our actions though.

I actually appreciate you taking it easy on the Sabres fans. You're much better than me apparently because as a fan who was at the game I can tell you I personally hold myself to a higher standard than that.

Given that George Lucas is always given shit for doing the opposite I'm not sure the guy can win either way.

While we are on the subject of constructive communication why did Blizzard remove all chat? 90% of the dumbass comments come from teammates.

You might be the only one.

Actually if you're talking from a competitive balance standpoint Warcraft 3 did not show that.

Probably would have been my response. As bad as Goodell has been Obama sets the standard for bad executives.

Quick correction. What was due to be RE 3 actually became Code Veronica.