Math As A Humanities

My albino is bringing me my Henrietta Pussycat as I shower now.

pOTUS could finally own a team.

Now THAT is how you screw up a tank.

CantSleep’s parents should have taught them not to sit on the goddamn escalator.

And a digital catalouge of women.

Just the tip?

What’s wrong with a group text?

Thank you

Oh man.

Unless it is directly a safety issue, a 25 year wait makes no sense on an EV.

I studied to Rockabye Baby in college and my kids fall asleep to this and Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star all the time.

They’re selling a Janice coat for 3 grand?

Well now that Abby’s has been canceled.

I have so many questions.

Yup, that’s day 3.

A yes, the old “Buffalo Bagel.”

Line them up nose to nose, border wall. Done. Detroit saved.

I never read The Grapes of Wrath as a career guide.

I wouldn’t quote Gladwell.

Which user is reflected by Al Madrigal?