Math As A Humanities

What does pOTUS ride in on his golf trips?

TBF, Biden is taking the any fun that was left out of those memes himself.

They’re probably all built in SC or TN.

Assistant coach DJ Durkin was later seen leading Neal out behind the barn.

Tupac Cohen is my new Ska band name.

I am not dead.

Getting them for 25 cents an issue years after they were canceled made them an enjoyable read.

I guess the White Claw days of summer have passed.

Joe Biden by way of Dropkick Murphy’s

To be fair to the Boomers, the daddy issues is more of a Gen X latch key kid issue.

We live the same life, my friend.

Starting in season 2 it got a lot deeper and relied less on the surface jokes. The focus on generational failure is top notch and slathered in Sci Fi pop culture.

You’ll be a success.

Unfortunately, this product is sold as a reason not to do this, and for people to be able to work on a contract without a printer nearby. It should not be an unreasonable assumption that both parties have equal control over the document.

Yeah, these people would complain if they did that in a 9.99 weekend rental too.

“She doesn’t ‘deserve’ anything.”

I am allergic to soy. So while I am happy for these burgers, I still am waiting for lab meat.


You may think you’re an Incel, but you choose to be like this.

But in your argument it would be, “Marlon Brando, best known as Sonny’s Grandfather...” or “Brando, Val Kilmer’s more eccentric costar” or “Brando, best known as the dick the butter rode in on...”