
Not to be THAT guy, but Hindi is a language. Did you mean Hindu (which is applied to an adherent of Hinduism)?

Wait, so a 'warmer' sound will add hissing and popping to my low bit rate MP3 files?

That's OK. The original quote is crappy science anyway, kinda like saying I can make a journey in under a light-year...

I own the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pros. Love them. Excellent true sound. Very comfortable. I tried the Sennheiser HD 600s. Very nice, but overpriced, IMO. Give the Grado SR80s a listen. i used to own other Grados and loved them. Haven't tried the others on your list.

You know what would have been a better memorial? Build functional office buildings on the site. What better proof would there be that life goes on and that American society can't be destroyed by acts of terrorism? Instead, they've turned some incredibly expensive urban real estate into a park (admittedly a

Apologies. Misread the post. That said, I've stopped believing the validity of MP claims by camera manufacturers. They remind me too much of the watts-per-channel claims of stereo manufacturers. There's a reason the camera is only $1000 compared to the prices of pro bodies from Canon (1D) and Nikon (D3s and D3x).

@MOCKBA: Nope. For a once-in-a-lifetime shot I would take the best sensor I could get. The D60 is a nice body, but at 6.3 MP it's pretty limited. The D3s is a fantastic 12 MP camera and has some of the best noise-handling ever. (I know, I shoot with one.)

@jurassictodd: I don't get it. I'd drop my phone trying to make those hand gestures... :)

I know, he could break cinematic ground by not recycling old scripts and tired plot hooks. He could do that at 15fps and it'd make his movies immeasurably better.

@seaforte03: There must be something about your VISA or MC account. I've traveled overseas (all over Europe and Asia) for years with both kinds of cards and have never had to call anywhere to have a charge authorized. Of course, I call the cc companies before I leave telling them where I'm going. Maybe that's the

I don't believe a government would ever downplay the seriousness of a situation to keep the populace calm and to preserve its standing in the international community.

I feel your pain. I used to have my friends call me when I had to wake up because my land-line ringer would cut through anything. I haven't had to do that for many years. Maybe it's one of the few benefits of getting older.

Different strokes, I guess. For me. the threat of missing a meeting is enough to get me going. I now use an app on my phone to wake me, and it has an increasing-volume feature; i.e. it starts softly and gets louder. For some reason, it's the only sound that wakes me up immediately.

I'm not sure I get this. If I know I have to get up, the slightest sound wakes me up. On weekends, when I typically don't have anything I HAVE to get up for, I can sleep through a fire alarm.

@dmusicante: You can definitely enable the function. The second you do, though, you'll lose your grandfathered unlimited status and you won't be able to get it back.


@MatSt8: I'd heard it as the 'Tom Holman eXperiment'

@chrisb001: Nobody has Southwest except Southwest

@bg-dez: I don't get why that's shameful. If the gameplay is as addictive as you say, surely that means the game is a good one. If it's a good one, it's worthy of spending money on.

@surf1punk: As I said in my comment, I don't buy Gitzo monopods. I use Manfrotto, and my monopod cost about $100. That said, given that it's supporting over $10,000 worth of equipment for several hours under some pretty rough conditions, $350 doesn't seem way out of line.