
The exact same article would have been written if she were a man. She made the claim of being ‘the only female driver.’ Lying isn’t gendered.

I bet if you built them a new harbor on your own dime they’d make an exception.

"I believe in second chances. I still do."

Was the Ebay listing with free delivery?

I know in my heart that someone has fucked a selfie-stick by now.

Please don't criticize my IBS. Check your digestive privilege, Jia.

Here is the first, official picture of Ryan Reynolds as everyone's favorite anti-hero Deadpool.

I stumbled upon this show with this very episode and a friend and I were discussing how great a source it would be for snark reviews. Glad to see someone's out there fighting the good fight.

Are you kidding? Those stickers were why I decided to hire him.

Green? That hourglass is clearly blue and black.

Seems like she was stressed.

It's not. I liked it. Deal with it.

While I appreciate Mr. Musk's contributions, my commute will not be stress free until he invents not only a self-driving car, but an auto-texting driver and a self-sexing backseat.

based upon how terrible traffic was this morning, I welcome our self-driving overlords.

I've been lurking on Jez for ages and of all articles it took this one for me to speak up about...I'm disgusted with the audience and Harvey's reactions. She's so clearly proud of her hobby, the science and art of it should be cultivated and applauded. Seize the day youngin' and don't let the haters drag you down!

Sure, she's a hero but I run one little motel with my mother's old corpse and I'm the weirdo.

Is Poop still something you might put out?

Yeah, looking at it, it's clearly some viral marketing. They have professionally produced graphics and matching t-shirts (yet crude signs), but few members and no history - the Facebook account, Twitter and web site all seem to be about 10 days old, and their web page doesn't have anything on it but links.