Ms. Matembe

...Are you trying to use the term ‘verboten’? If you are, you’d do well to consult a dictionary before using new terms; it’s a German loan-word meaning prohibited or forbidden. If you’re not, then I’m not sure where you got the term ‘verbouton’ from, but it doesn’t seem to be relevant to English speakers...

In at least one interview Juanita Broaddrick specifically recites an encounter with Hilary Clinton soon after the occurrence of the rape in which she interprets her behavior as indicating gratitude for keeping quiet about its occurrence. IIRC Hilary’s compliance post event was at issue in the media coverage of several

“Monica was willing, but she was also an intern, and the power differential there is really, really not okay.”

I see this sentiment raised from what claims to be a feminist perspective all the time, and I’m downright puzzled by it. I agree that the implied power-differential between the president and an intern is