

I second this! it’s bizarre how good paltrow can sing. she did that movie with huey lewis and there was a song she sang with him that actually was pretty catchy.

oh portland, never change.

They showed his face in a documentary for one of my AA film classes.

somebody’s been watering the flowers.

are you fucking kidding me?

because he is white with a penis

Yea but he’s a cool dude so

Cheating is when you consciously hurt somebody, whether it’s your own beloved or somebody else’s, or both.

Gaga is talented. Absolutely. No denying it. Can sing, can play instruments, clearly capable of making hits. With that said...


That interview with the chainsmokers didn’t do them any favors....

redoing her makeup,

I recently heard about Trump possibly starting a news network (think Fox News but TRUMP NEWS) after he loses the election. His supporters will become the audience, naturally.

it’s not Harvey.

what bothers me: not only am I not seeing this story plastered across mainstream news outlets, but they are calling them miltia members....not what they are, which is domestic terrorists (republican ears perk up!).

wanna know what’s nuts?