
Also, I’m so fucking sick of asshole idiot reporters and intelligence agents saying Russia was just looking to hurt Hillary — No, stupid heads, it’s about the sanctions, Putin want the sanctions lifted, DER. That’s why all of Trump’s nominees are hella climate change deniers and Tillerson said that sanctions are bad

As far as blackmail material goes this is pretty weak sauce. It doesn’t seem like they peed on him? His supporters, I’m sure, love the visuals, probably picturing the Obamas in the bed.

My father in law, a staunch, lifelong fiscal Republican (but socially libertarian, I guess) was a psychiatrist for 50 years, spending a lot of that time in a retirement home in the UK as their on-call psychiatrist, and the first thing he said about Trump during one of the Primary Debates was “That man has

Sounds a lot like Topkapi! (One of the best 60s heist films)

A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.

He looks like a turtle, but he behaves like a snake. He demanded Obama’s cabinet completed ethics review and financial disclosure before their hearings, and is now trying to help Trump administration to ram them through the process. Hypocrite.

These fucks don’t even try and hide their giant ‘fuck you’ appointments anymore. This is becoming a shiny new dictatorship right before our eyes.

This is a Senate position, so it’s a Mitch McConnell appointment (let’s call it poisoned turtle soup).

Car then house then baby. Well, the last wasn’t really a purchase but still. I don’t feel like an adult(tm) so much as sometimes I look around and feel like “holy shit, look at all of the adulting I’ve adulted.”

When I bought my brand new car without a co-signer or without taking my parents with me. I got pre-approved for a loan with low interest from my bank and drove away in it. That was a couple of years ago and I still feel good when I drive it.

We can form a support group. My parents are RWNJs too, despite being Democrats most of their earlier life. A black president broke them. My revenge? I blocked Breitbart on their router, told them it was because a virus and I couldn’t fix it.

Most people don’t get to pick their parents, you didn’t ask to be the child of a 10am drunk right-wing conspiracy theorist nut job. Have you tried Al-Anon? It’s not for addicts but the people around them. They can help you decide how much you should interact with the destructive addicts in your family, and assist you

And when he lifts his hand, puts his hand on that Bible and takes that oath and we see the image

Music festivals are vastly overrated.

I’m pretty sure their intention is to cover up their own dealings and to use it as a political hack squad to go after any Democrats that are “inconvenient”. They have some big plans and are going to do far more than the Democrats did in 2008 - they know it is likely fleeting, and intend to move the needle as far as

There is no record of votes? In all honesty, is it possible that they did this so that Trump and the rest of the GOP could come out against it and make them look ethical?

No, no, Nicki: original is accurate.

He can direct the State Department to simply roll back the persona-non-gratas. He doesn’t need congressional approval.

Not necessarily. The whole point of a trap is to make sure the person you want to trap doesn’t see it. This has been blown up and everyone sees it and knows why Obama did it, so it won’t be that big of a deal if Trump reverses it. Secondly, as much as I hate to admit it, Putin has played this brilliantly. By refusing

There won’t be any consequences. The Trump administration will roll back this order as soon as they take office. If Mr. Putin thought there was some possibility of this being a long term thing history has proven (see Georgia and Ukraine) he would not be taking “the high road”, but he knows he has a friend in Mr. Trump