
You know what’s hilarious? For the past eight years these types of people having being saying that Obama doesn’t represent them because he’s “foreign.” They have pushed factually incorrect accusations that Obama was born in Kenya or is secretly Muslim to justify their “patriotism.”

2a. Not to mention a lunatic, what with threatening uh... New Zealand? Really? TF?

The cognitive dissonance required to portray Obama as both a tyrant ruling the country through executive action and a wimp who got pushed around for eight years is impressive. Building up that tolerance for contradiction must have laid the groundwork for disenfranchised voters to convince themselves that Trump would

There are now 9 times as many smart phones in the world than there are smart people. Maybe if we start telling people the brain is an app they will start using it.

It is frightening how much the Republicans want to end the transparency of the democratic process.

Side note, I didn’t know the federal government paid black lung benefits. Like wtf? Why are my tax dollars subsidizing an industry that’s literally killing its workers? Shouldn’t those payments be part of the cost of doing business? If you can’t pay for the workers you slowly kill off to have healthcare, then maybe

She is a quiet trophy doormat. Someone else on another post labeled a certain group of when women in patriarchy as dogs that roll over for their men, but can be trained to attack; especially other women. Melania seems of that breed.

Good. Actions have consequences.

I’ve been upset and sad about a bunch of the celebrity deaths this year, but this is the first time I’ve been just straight up sobbing. I just don’t want this to be true.

Also, unfriended a person I knew from college who was making fun of people caring about her as Leia. Okay, assface, we get it that you’re above Star

Well based on their stock we might not need to do anything. But we could all just stop paying attention....

look, guys, this is bad and all, but the really compelling argument about why he sucks is that he was the executive producer of suicide squad

Can somebody please just disappear this motherfucker? I know Pence is lizardman wearing a barely-passable skin suit. I know. But I have a feeling Mike Pence is professional enough to not get us all killed over a fucking twitter beef.

I’m talking strictly about taking the best bad options, folks.

Joseph Smith used this exact same strategy to start the entire Mormon religion.

Make America great again!

Problems really arise when we try to substitute consumption for creation. There is really no comparing the two.

What a perfect, amazing little suitcase bomb of fucked-uped-ness that was. Like, he hit that racism, misogyny, transmisogyny, homophobia... am I missing any?

Am I the only one concerned that she apparently poured crushed tomatoes into a pan and is preparing a meal of ‘sauce’?

He is amazing in it :). One of the (many) things wrong with that movie is that most of the cast/ crew can’t seem to decide if it is supposed to be a drama or a comedy, and so it never really comes across as either. Alan Rickman was like “Yup, it’s a comedy” and proceeded to give the most hammy, wonderful performance

That’s my favorite Alan Rickman performance. I have nothing else to add.