mat1cs is not your friend.

@ sucks!: You do know you're supposed to say something first like,

@For_the_love_of_games: Does not compute. How is it uncool to call yourself a gamer on a gaming site?

@ARYXANDRE: Cover system =! gears of war. You must've forgot the sarcasm tag.

Strange.. He's usually pretty funny.

@PowerButton: Here come the conspiracy theorists.

@Oshrilkal: They have until November. Also, E3 is coming up, so why rush details?

@xsbs: People can be so insensitive, huh. Kinda like your inappropriate slang for breast cancer.

@Arthur-Otaku: If he's willing to pay that much for this garbage, I'd imagine he can't have better girls for less..

@Dayvie: I think this will come wayy before smell-o-vision..

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: Sites and magazines are definitely gonna have a hard time picking one by the end of the year, haha.

@KingHippo: Some people can find anything to complain about.

@HK-47: Great advice. I never let my nephew play online by himself, even though he's 12 now. And if I am with him, I make sure player chat is off. People say some ignorant things, just cause they can.

My opinion, even though nobody reading will probably care, is that this guy sounds like garbage. As in he sucks. He hardly even stays on beat, which really isn't that hard to do. If you can't fit syllables correctly, you shouldn't be rapping. Period. Anybody can babble over an instrumental and release it.

"..elite space mercenary who, to be honest, is a bit of a dick, Grayson Hunt doesn't look.."

@Chestnut Bowl: Exactly.. He might not be thrilled, but he definitely had to expect it, being Japanese and all.

@Maverick128: Excuse my ignorance, but how is this any different from the androgyny in JRPG's that everybody complains about? Looks like two boys to me.