mat1cs is not your friend.

@yagami001: I'm literally the same. I've been pretty impressed by how it hasn't locked up or stuttered even once, actually lol.

@Kayonesoft: Yea, same. Just makes me sad that some people put so much into review scores.

Not sure if it's just me among all gamers who use the internet, but really, how important are reviews to you guys? I understand they might badmouth something you like, but for goodness sake, it's just a person's opinion.. I don't put too much value on a random guy's opinion. Just cause some dude is a journalist for a

@Fencedude: I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I often have a problem with my teammates not healing me in time. It's kinda frustrating.

@Miss Beyond: Good thing we have links to point us to the rest of the reviews...

@Koztah: Lol. Will you be my friend?

@Ali-Kharazi: X-2 was awesome.. Don't know why so many people hate it. I mean I was kinda embarrassed playing it, but who cares? lol..

@timestep: There will probably be two separate teams working on the games, if they did make a sequel.

@theALLseeingEYE: That's what happens when a game is basically ported from its original version. Not to sound like a fanboy, but PS3 is the best way to play FFXIII.. And if you don't have one, I guess you should be grateful they even made it for 360?

What made the video funny to me was the guy who started cheering, but once he heard booing quickly stopped showing any enthusiasm for the prize.

@Chux: I bought it for PS3 but I'm gonna rent it for the achievements. That's how much of an achievement whore I am lol.

@FP_slomo788: Have you played Hook Champ? I just got it last week and I couldn't stop playing it until I beat it.

@vid3oman64: Geez.. Way to be a downer, man.

I like the backdrop in these pictures.. It gives you an easy comparison between the two Shepard faces side by side.. And it isn't pretty lol.

@Rachel Fogg: Haha, I was thinking the same thing.. Sounds like a Harry Potter title.

@jfx316: True, but who doesn't "borrow" ideas these days.. No idea's original.

@fearing: Who knows, maybe I'll have fun playing it when it comes out. It's just that rocket-pack screams adolescence to me.

@Teancum: I'm curious to see what the rolling animation looks like when you perform it.. Do you think it'll pull out to 3rd person or stay in 1st?

This wasn't as terribly exciting as I thought it might be. The only thing I thought was kinda cool were the dives and rolls.. Rocketpacks are cool I guess, just would've been more exciting 5 years ago when I was still in high school. Dunno. Maybe I'm growing up?

@Sovereign: Why didn't you replay H3? I probably played it for 8 months straight.. haha