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Honorable mention for Drunken Tiger's "Final Fantasy".. Definitely the best rap song with FFVII instrumental.

@darktrooper2112: Hahah I was thinking the same thing. I like the design of the armor though.

@fun_fan: Oh yes, because as we all know, men have tits.

@Shinta: Hahah was it really? That's awesome.

I hope someone figures a way to use BC on systems that don't have it enabled. I'd love to "cheat the system" as it were, and play my PS2 games on my 80gb.

Can anybody tell me how much MH is like Phantasy Star Online? Or if it even is at all? Seems kinda similar from the videos/screenshots I've seen.

@WFROSE: Hahaha.. best thread ever.

@senselocke: I was gonna say the same thing. With built in lights and everything.

Wigglytuff and Primeape will give me nightmares.

@Psudonym: I never found the Geico money that funny for some reason.

@Rachel Fogg: She seems a little oddish to me.. Laying in all those stuffed animals.

@fearing: Don't remind me please.

@Korbei83: Yeah, what's up with the font ? Geez

@CallumF73: Yup. I have trust in SE after FFXII. The voice acting in that was really damn good.

@Rebochan: Exactly. Why the sudden change?

Don't wanna sound like a whining fanboy, or even worse, a "weeaboo"... but we could have really done without this music. I'm really disappointed in SE for switching it over from the original.

@senselocke: I'm glad you're open to at least try it

@pinshot: What's with this thing that people have about seeing a "Lv." and a number next to your character. Maybe you could see their growth in a different way? They're still getting stronger, they just don't have level growth.