mat1cs is not your friend.

@Norellicus: yeah, who cares about games anymore!

black man in suit = Barack Obama.

Assassin's Creed. you heard it here first.

@Suzaku: well, not really, considering they are two different stories. that's like saying Matt Groening is milking the Simpsons. kinda.

@Clave: /obligatory Wii graphics insult.

@Lokno: I think it's easier for the general masses to say 3D than all those other humongous words.

@Gutzman: yeaaah those. I was a little late on the Gameboy train.. don't think I got one until 5th or 6th grade.

@AndrosZ: I was honestly about to say the same.. this looks pretty damn good for a Disney game. unless I'm being really biased.

@Lokno: so you're saying this is 4D?

@icepick314: yeah, I remember G-Force.. then I found out it was actually Gatchaman. I wish it was that G-Force. or even TvC in 3-D.. on PS3..

this is awesome.. reminds me of those old little handheld fighting games (can't remember who they were by) that only had like two frames for when you punch/get hit.

honestly, I can't get into the Simpsons anymore. just stopped being funny after Family Guy to me.

@NeoStarr: that deserves an instant heart-click!

"Next I worked me way to directly under a platform.."