From what I understand, she did in fact have a gun that she was licensed to have and carry.
From what I understand, she did in fact have a gun that she was licensed to have and carry.
Wendy has always been a nasty, negative, gross person. And she has shown that she will pander to white people by throwing Black people under the bus under the guise of “being honest” if given half a chance. I’m glad Black twitter lit that ass up.
The tweets flaming Wendy Williams were fire. I swear to god black twitter is the greatest gift.
Good Day all,
Has anyone seriously looked into Judge Persky’s own life, not just his sentencing history? Because his casual attitude about violence toward women makes me wonder how he treats any women who work with him, live with him, interact with him on any basis.
Since apparently nobody has gone there yet, I’ll put it down: same set up, skipping on cab fare, carrying narcotics, probably under influence, refusing to identify himself, running from cops, resisiting arrest by kicking and punching cops... But this time a black young man...
From the NY Daily News
I was just on their GoFundMe page and they’re only $900 over their goal. C’mon Jezzies, we can help out. Maybe we can help them go home to an actual home.
I know this is supposed to be a feel good story and I am happy for the girls, but I can’t feel any joy. Are they coming back to live at the shelter? I just feel massively uncomfortable that we are expecting these girls (and one as little as 8) to physically work and push their bodies for 7-10 years for an opportunity…
Hey Internet, meet Brooke, Rainn, and Tai Sheppard. All three live with their mom in a homeless shelter in Bushwick,…
i think she wanted to use the n**ggA to be hip but ended using the one her parents use at home
Lol @ sock puppet. Sure, Eileen, sure.
They dismissed all charges. FYI prosecutors, like police, are allowed to lie to the public to save face. So they only dang thing they probably had on this Schmuck is that, yes, known rapist, plus jailhouse snitch they probably paid to say what he said. But now it’s all, “we had other evidence but it didn’t hold up…
Shit yeah, but he deserves to go to jail for something he actually did. Also, putting him in jail for something he didn't do, means the actual perpetrator (condit) goes free. And that's not justice.
Op keeps dismissing people who comment that wrongful convictions are common as hell. So here's my comment! If you are black or brown in America, wrongful convictions are common as hell! Don't be such a racist Tina!
Don’tbesuchaboobpunchTina keeps dismissing people who are rightfully pointing out that in America wrongful convictions are common as hell if you are brown or black. Don’t be such a racist Tina!
I was startled to see her face on the Washington Post’s homepage yesterday. A real blast from the past. A Clinton is running for the White House, Donald Trump is in the news, Pokemon is wildly popular: We’re living in the 90s again!
I know, I felt gross reading it but I couldn't stop. And if the relationship with FKA Twigs is fake why do they have so much hate for her?! Racism, I think.
This is absolute insanity (I can’t believe I read as much as I did). But referring to FKA Twigs as “It” is thoroughly revolting.
Fucking flag and dismiss!