No, just 2016, the Onion of years.
No, just 2016, the Onion of years.
Being opposed to legalized murder isn’t a political issue.
“Mr. Trump, are you playing Pokemon Go?”
1) Joke about WNBA being unpopular
2) Joke about how there are so many ESPNs
3) Joke is an overused reference to a movie from more than five years ago
Congrats, you are now a drive-time sports radio host. Please pick up your bottle of spray tanner and wrap-around sunglasses at the front desk.
People really like to judge other’s reproductive choices. Especially when the others are young black women.
I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?
Yeah, a death cult destroying ancient historical artifacts because of religious extremism is totally the same thing as a black guy breaking a window that depicts slavery in a Yale cafeteria.
wait you think Yale is a museum? You think stained glass windows in a building dedicated to a really sh***y person depicting part of the reason that person was really sh***y is artwork? You’re missing a part anyway.
1)Go to college and get a degree in mass communication
2) Settle for a job with a contactor for Yale (a…
Because that’s absolutely comparable to this situation
That’s an interesting story: you see, the Republican Party was founded in 1854, 26 years after the Democratic Party. Post Civil War, the Republican party was made up of two factions, the “lily-white faction” and the “black-and-tan” faction. Guess who they both thought should participate in the Republican party.
These women are badasses.
Maybe. But it also moves their trolling into the black, ensures that their racism or whatever else is seen by as many people as possible, gives them exactly what they want and ensures that they’ll keep posting in this thread and come back to many others.
my feelings, your emptiness.
i was not attempting to make an argument, so i’m not surprised that what i said didn’t contain one. i just wanted to reflect a little of you back at yourself, since self-reflection is something you are obviously not capable of, give you a chance to see yourself clearly. your hatred makes you neither powerful nor…
i hope the tiny thrill you get from calling a random stranger on the internet a n****r helps to fill up the gaping emptiness you feel swelling within you each day. treading water to keep ahead of that crippling despair has to be exhausting. i pity you, you are a small sad thing.
Yes, it’s very simple. An article expressing dismay about a person trying to sell a racist candidate to a minority group, is not at all similar to racists disparaging a person’s appearance.
Nope. Every time a black man is made to seem like the bad guy, there is a racial element to it. Black people are inextricably tied to their race we cannot be invisible. People will subconsciously register black guy vs innocent white girl. There are people who will explicitly make the connection and see Kanye has…
She had to have know this would incense or inflame people who still hate Kayne for the “President Bush hates Black People” comment or the “I’mma let you finish” rant. The man can be annoying, but a ton of the hate he seems to get relates to his blackness and how he doesn’t ‘know his place’.
I think the hilarity of the Taylor Swift fiasco is overshadowing the racial aspect of it. A not-insignificant part of Swift’s rise stemmed from people wanting to protect her from the black man who repeatedly victimized her. Swift doesn’t strike me as a particularly stupid person and I’m sure she’s aware of this fact.
“Hailed as Pakistan’s Kim Kardashian”