
Hi there,

The problem here is coded language. As a Jewish person who has routinely been propositioned by proselytizing missionaries, it’s still pretty screwed up to imply that you’re only a “good [insert person of another faith here] in my” if you meet a pretty limited rubric — and unfortunately in this case, as well

“The only good Muslims in this story are the ones coddling annoying people who are trying to bother people into changing their religion.” There you go.

Just because the article didn’t go into it: Meningitis is, along with being deadly, also a very painful way to die. So not only did these people let their son die because they’re batshit psychopaths who own a naturopath company that peddles bullshit, they let him die in an excruciatingly painful way.

Fucking no. I got meningitis as an adult (thanks gross college kids!) and the pain was practically unendurable. All other symptoms aside the pain was consuming and intolerable. Note: I have had C-sections, car accidents and enough life experience to have a super high tolerance for pain. Nothing could have prepared me

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

Yeah. No. About 250 years of slavery, followed by 100 years of Jim Crow, segregation. and discriminatory federal, state and local laws render that myth a cruel lie.

No Whats fucked up is you accusing Black folks of not accepting Zoe when She was clearly supported playing the role of black women (with two black parents) in Movies like Drum Line , Guess Whos coming to Dinner , Death At A Funeral. etc..

If she doesnt identify as black then why is she constantly auditioning for “ black roles “

The real problem with casting Zoe Saldana is that she has benefitted from white supremacy in the industry; Nina was victimized by it. Though they are both black women, they represent almost entirely different existences, and it is this contradiction many black women have the most trouble with.

Nahh, it’s blackface. They chose a much lighter skinned actress with “acceptable” features to play a dark skinned woman with broader features and put her in hours upon hours of dark and heavy makeup and prosthetics. And now when she does press for it and interviews and photoshoots, she will be the acceptable shade

a) there is almost zero input or perspectives from anyone who actually is from and/or needs to live in these areas every day. in fact, all but two arabs are scrubbed almost entirely from the story.

lol you think other people live in the middle east besides american journalists

“Trump voters”... “nuance”

Anyone can be prejudiced, but racism is prejudice + power. Again, that person made a shitty, sexist, mean, awful, very bad, jerkish, unnecessary, and prejudiced tweet, but it’s not racist. That person seems like a sexist shitbag, but saying mean things about white people isn’t racist.

It's not racist for her to talk shit about white people (we deserve it), but to assume Kesha is lying is sexist and shitty.

Well, he’s “the first Black president” because he himself identifies as black, and that’s been a big part of his identity as his memoirs and talks prior to entering the national stage have indicated. As the study shows, identity isn’t just genetic or something you “are,” but a function of identification (by yourself

maybe that’s why she looks so damn cranky in all these photos

If you’re going with the college student = adult analogy, then you must extend it to college = work. If visitors were coming to tour my workplace and a group of coworkers behaved in this manner, they would be fired immediately.

The college disciplining them does not violate their free speech.

Mistake my foot. If there were no backlash that bill would have stayed as is.