
She isn’t wearing white face any more than clowns or geisha are. It’s a specific form of makeup that doesn’t have systemic exploitation directly attached to it. Nobody believed it fitting to oppress white people while appropriating their culture, and while simultaniously finding their mere presence on stage

It’s important to understand the historical context of blackface. It was used for years in what were called “minstrel shows,” which were basically shows in which white actors would dress in blackface and portray offensive stereotypes of black people.

Well in the case of Max Moxxi in the game she actually did paint her face with heavy makeup so it the pictures in featured here it is being true to the character.

No blackface is a terrible idea in almost all contexts. For an easy and entertaining explanation, watch Spike Lee’s Bamboozled, specifically the end credits . Again, NO BLACKFACE

This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.

Don’t go thinking there are not people privately and in government working towards change.

So you mean you don't understand people who prefer seeing people who look like you on the screen? Because the issue is we want more POC and ladies on screen. Your statement can read that you don't understand why people want to be represented on screen.

The person from an already over represented demographic isn’t worried about his demo’s representation in media and can’t fathom why demographics, who face prejudice in all aspects of life but particularly media representation, want to at least have adequate media representation.

Thank you! The people who come out the woodwork to complain about other POC when black people fight for ourselves do not care about POC, they care about shutting black people up. Black people advocating for black people are not the enemy.

And she is amazing. AMAZING.

Jesus, it’s time to call the police. That’s abuse, no two ways about it.

Straight Outta Compton made over $200million on a budget of $28million. The Fast and the Furious franchise has made so much money at this point I’m not even going to work it out. Creed made over $160million on a budget of £35million. Birth of a Nation sold for a record amount of over $17million at this years Sundance

But there are a lot of people who do crate or kennel their dogs all day (sans shock collar, of course), which still begs the question, “why have a dog at all, then?” Ultimately, it’s for your pleasure, but it’s not always in the dog’s best interest.

Ew. Ew ew ew! I’m not judgmental about much but I judge the shit out of super selfish people who get a dog and then keep it locked up all day. My brother’s roommate got a fucking DOBERMAN puppy and does the same thing - keeps it crated all day ‘because its so destructive and pees everywhere.’ So now its got bladder

I think people can strike a care balance that works for both the dog and the person when dealing with a demanding job, but clearly your co-worker wasn’t even trying.

I don’t think he framed it as a fight between anyone. She’s a prominent actress who spoke about the pay gap. She is lauded and praised for speaking about it, when Black actresses are paid a pittance in comparison, if they can even get hired, and they have to be extra careful with what they say or they will be

No no no no no. No. You have a computer and a television and I’m sure you’ve seen the news in the past year. The idea that you have no inkling what Black Lives Matters protesters do and think they just have art shows and the like (as if there is no value in art and that would be totally inappropriate) is ludicrous and

If you think all that Black Lives Matters protesters do is have art shows and go to movie premieres, you are woefully misinformed and clearly haven’t been paying attention. Interesting how suspicious you find it all. I’m perfectly comfortable with Black people deciding what is good for Black people, thank you. We can

I’ve seen their site. They have chapters in various places, and different chapters will do different things. It makes logical sense that money is used for bail, travel, food, and lodgings. I bet you can find out quite a lot if you are interested enough to keep digging. I’m sure there are several people and