
As a dude over 18 who comes from a military family, I know this. I don’t understand why everything I’m saying continues to sail right over your head.

I don’t know how to more clearly state that I don’t need the concept or application explained. I am saying that there is no situation, present or future, where a draft

The sentiment alone is dumb. That was the point. Nobody should have to go to court to protect themselves from a conflict they had no part in creating.

I am fully aware of the difference and again, I will simply reiterate: I believe everyone should have the choice to serve or not. I do not believe that anyone should be forced to, so yes I would happily eliminate a draft if I could. I do not need to predict the future because no future event or situation would change

I think the problem people are having with your story is that it reads like you are equating your father’s experiences (he sounds like an amazing individual) with those of people who were forced to travel to the other side of the world and kill people. Unfortunately, many weren’t as respected or educated as your

“Unlike him, I would never dream of cheating on my partner.”

Honey. Just, stop.

I had to throw this in, too: in a post at Groupthink, you actually said something to the effect of “thanks for making him lose weight for the wedding,” which I took to mean you were fucking some guy while he was engaged to be married. And you said it in a “oh yes I did” kinda way, like you were boasting about it. I

None of that is okay, Ladyology. In fact, it’s a shady-ass pile of WTF. I hope you get all that mess sorted out someday so you won’t have to rationalize it to yourself and a bunch of strangers on the internet anymore.

Don’t you sleep with married men? I’m positive I saw you boasting about it on Groupthink. So I guess it’s okay when married men hit on you as long you aren’t friends with their wives? :/

Moving goalposts - you said white people get ragged on, I said people of color get ragged on - then you said “false, there are successful people of color”

When people rag on you all the time simply based on what you look like, it gets a bit boring, you know?

“I have black friends”

Not a single person anywhere on this thread or in the post said you should be ashamed. Not a one. Literally no where. Perhaps listen to the song and reread the post.

I think the vast majority aren’t really saying if he’s guilty or innocent but that he quite obviously didn’t receive a fair trial. Without question, his nephew didn’t. If you can watch the nephew’s confession tapes and not feel gutted at how the system can railroad somebody, you simply aren’t human.

because a police officer piled incompetence on top of fear on top of stupidity, a child is dead.

the kid is sitting at a playground, the officers roll up on top of him, and he has the tragic failure of judgement to move in Literally Any Way.

She is unexceptional, but lots of unexceptional people work hard and get things, Emma Stone and Blake lively come to mind.


I noticed you’ve dismissed replies that explained exactly what she meant so clearly you’re not interested in a discussion.