I bet it looks like crap once it gets some resin in it. I'd pay $50, max.
I bet it looks like crap once it gets some resin in it. I'd pay $50, max.
She was invoking a bit too much Cate Blanchett for my taste. I was picturing Galadriel as she spoke.
*cough* hulu *cough*
I don't use the facebook so that seems like it may make this suck a bit. also not looking forward to learning a new service just to stop using it in a few months when it's no longer free. That's right I refuse to pay for music....
It's a mobius strip connecting a globe to a star. Read into that what you will.
Your apostrophe is invalid.
Aside from the social aspect, which I dislike, what makes this so great? serious question.
Same. I keep wishing it and "reality" tv would fade away. I'm just going to ride off on my high, lonely horse now.
And then, Lamo turned him in to the police.
Define cheap. On Tmo I pay less than 65$ a month for 1000 minutes, unlimited text and data (throttled after 5gigs but whatevs) that includes all fees, taxes, and handset insurance. oh, and free wi-fi minutes means I never use more than 300 per month. I could actually drop that down to 500 and save ten bucks. I've…
Perhaps because there are several 4g capable phones available with android. not sure about BB, but there is definitely no 4g iphone.
Sometimes I poop so much I think that I have two colons.
or it's near his weed plants....
Sounds like someone needs to clean their bathroom...
Season 1 was six episodes, but there will be twelve per season from here out.
As of yesterday Maine has lifted it's long time ban of most types of fire works. Not that it mattered, the yahoos down the street from me have been lighting them off every night since the bruins won.
Reminds me of Modern Warfare mixed with Monty Python. I actually really like it.
Honestly, i'm just curious to see which comments i get approved. apparently my witty banter is no good, but my trolling is top notch.
And Narnia has a talking lion, neither are relevant here...