Can we get someone who actually likes android to do these app reviews?
Can we get someone who actually likes android to do these app reviews?
kosher salt is better than table salt. the shape of the salt crystals will clean your piece more efficiently.
Wow, no comments. If you've never been graced with their musical genius check out "Double nickels on the dime" these guys do more with a minute than most do on a whole album.
That old Superbowl ad gets more ironic as the years go by.
I heard it was beat out by "assistant crack whore".
if you're eating at taco bell the dew is the least of your worries.
Beardies are very social lizards. I always recommend them as a first time reptile. And they are really good at eating so this doesn't surprise me at all. Cool video!
yeah, that sounds more like acid to me. or I guess if it's your first time puffing then maybe don't drive.
"What is art? Is art art?"
this would grow really shitty weed. especially if you used their nutes. a pot of pro-mix in the back yard or under a lamp is much cheaper and more effective.
This movie works BECAUSE of it's 70's-ness. ditch that and you end up sucking like the wonka rehash. boo, hiss etc.
Well played! just when I felt I was learning too much a nice testicle reference saved me.
At first I was thinking it would be a section with zombie killing tools and tips, but then I realized what zombies are made of. "Crowbars?, Isle 9. You know the MURDER isle"
once you go big you'll never go back.
Android has had voice controls for a couple of years at least. while I will admit they are far from flawless, they claim to be greatly improved in 4.0. as long as they don't give it a voice, I'm happy. I don't mind talking to my phone, but I don't want it speaking back to me.
And the new iphone will cost this much or more and Gizmodo will praise it's value...
Why did they hire Leatherface to do the intro to the fringe promo!?
Wtf is a vacation? you mean some people get to stop working?
How about a new rule; If you mention god more than 3 times during your campaign you're disqualified.