
yes, because ios has a history of nickel and diming it's users, while many android users never pay a cent for anything. I can see why big business would choose apple.

cops aint people....

unless they work some kitschy new tech into this thing, it's not going to be any better than currently available phones. based on these rumors of course....

And yet there's a plant which naturally produces an effective medicine, and at a minimal cost, with negligible side effects. That people are still arguing about this topic bewilders me.

but what are their side effects?

If it's anything like marinol it won't work as well. it's the combination and ratio of different cannabanoids that give cannabis its varied medical effects. Focusing on THC solely seems short sighted. Pretty much like all government sponsored marijuana testing.

looks pit-chow. not many pure-breeds end up in shelters.

Judging by the size and ease in handling, I'd say the gator was more mascot than guard. The media LOVES blowing anything drug related way out of proportion. I also wager that the actual value of all the pot was far less than half of what they reported. if there were 2300 plants I guarantee at least 500 were less than

At first I thought this was about another creepy dog robot

currrently connected to: HotKarl

Champion of what exactly?

I guess "embiggen" is truly a cromulent word.

As a lifelong Thor fan all i can say is "meh". how does that blue thing resemble lightning? why is the handle not wood? double fail has-bro. (note: I will still probably buy this)

I don't think any higher of Motorola than I do Apple. it's funny to me seeing all of these "I don't get it" comments. Apple, to many people, became what they said they weren't. a platform with only one way (the official apple way) to do most things, add in app censorship, proprietary file types, etc. and you can see

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.

I hate the the name. how about, Star Trek: The Next Penetration. or anything even slightly clever. The name is like 60% of these parody pornos......

Why are you reading Io9 at work anyway? get back to work!

I've tried a few, and I find Catch notes to be the superior note app. the photo and barcode options are great, plus I dig the password protection

To be realistic, the sugar and caffeine contained in this drink are 1000's of times more dangerous than the thc