
LOL thanks for the advice. I didn't know it auto-saved before stepping into the beam. I was actually pretty frustrated that I couldn't manually save the game at that point, like you could for DE:HR so that you could see all the endings.

Hmmm. I didn't see any inconsistencies in the story, and I've played all three games (the first two twice each).

What did they lie about?

PC gaming has been on a steady decline for a decade.

I just finished ME3 yesterday and got the "best" ending (renegade best, not the middle path, which leaves out some... interesting content).


You're close.


You're right. He should have chosen to buy the console with no decent games other than games the 360 already has. He should have chosen the console that caused my credit card number to be stolen and used without my permission. He should have chosen the console that forced an OS update that forcibly removed the

They'd have to be 75% or more to entice me to buy a digi-DL over physical media.

Not to mention data caps.

Don't give them ideas.

Buy, yes.

I want to post this in every next-gen xbox thread I see just to increase chances of it being read:

That's actually not "obviously" what you were saying.

It's mostly skill, not luck.

You're right. SMG was the first game to be featured in space.

I'm assuming it's to support the costs of porting it (or however that works).

I'm more of a Kenny Loggins' Danger Zone kind-of-guy, myself.

This is gaming news you troll.