
Checks app store...

So... you've never heard of Montreal, then...

I work with an Irish guy, and he once referenced the "turnip-eating sheep-shaggers" that were going to be playing his favorite soccer (football?) team that night.

I'd be shocked if the British were the protagonists.

He may not be.

Too bad it's not XBLA, only PSN.

The art reminds me SO MUCH of Out of This World. I LOVED that game back in the early 90s on PC. DOS, baby. OH YEAAAHHHH...

yes and no.

About 1/2 of my gaming involves taking a game to a friends house or vice-versa. If the console can't play "used" games then I'm not buying it. I have both the ps3 and the 360 and I've always much preferred the 360, but I'll be done with Xbox if I can't play a single disc on more than one console. MP codes are one

Some people care WAY too much about everyone getting along, and take language WAY too seriously. I have routinely said "bitch, go get me a beer" to my girlfriend for years, and she thinks it's hilarious because she knows I'm not serious. In fact, we play a little game in public (was her idea) where I intentionally

That does not even make sense.

I only have a laptop at this point, a late-2008 Macbook Pro. Needs upgrading, so when I do that I think I'm going to switch to a desktop and use my laptop for the portable stuff. For the rare tradeshow or conference when I need a full keyboard, I'll just bring along one of those external ones they make for the iPad.

It will never have buttons???

I was thinking about getting an iPad when the next one came out (never owned one) and replacing my laptop with it.

The speed may kill it for me, we'll see. That's part of why I have trouble playing these games nowadays.

A positive and relevant comment? In this thread? Sir, I'm not sure you understand what Kotaku is all about. If you don't have anything bad to say about this game, or something else that's completely off-topic, then maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.

Go ahead and send me links to:

Best Buy got a second run and they sold out very quickly (makes me wonder if copies such as yours even exist, really). I've been watching very closely.

VERY nice, btu not all-inclusive.

The only DLC I've ever bought was for FO games, CoD BLOPS, and Oblivion.