
You completely missed the point of my post.

Pointing out sexism is sexism.

pretty sure it is, in the ME universe.

madartlab link no worky

That's not a better deal...

I'll likely get one of these.

Exclusive to VC titles.

Get into animal husbandry.

I didn't reject the claim that they sift through the best footage to make the show look better. That's obvious.


I was just telling my gf the other day, that guy really needs to understand how marketing works and how people perceive businessmen.

Fuck third-world children.

LOL you've got a lot of reading to do if you think canned/preserved foods and a shotgun are the way to go.

You need a partner (second pair of hands), the right products (Got2BGlued is decent for this), a hair dryer, and possibly the ability to hang upside-down for an hour+ without vomiting.

I wasn't trolling.

Then your memory's shotty.

But, when you cancel PS+, you lose your "free games."


Uh, the emulator on the Wii SUCKS.

That, and the SNES.