
never trust ANY site with a name like ""

And the best racing sim is??? also offered the $10 credit. I got it today.

There's always a game going when I log on.

Fezs have been there since launch.

Hop online. There are always games going.

I actually do feel special, Fahey.

What do you mean by the numbers disappearing?

You don't like Fast Travel?

id hasn't made a winner in 15+ years. I didn't expect much from this one, and I'm surprised anyone else did either.

I have no idea.

No I die from campers because it spawns me right in their crosshairs. Literally.

I admit I've never been booted yet, but getting it to connect is almost impossible. I'm only level 2, I'd be more like 20+ if I had to wager a guess, if it would actually let me connect when I want.

Well, the BF3 beta is completely broken, so how is anyone supposed to know what the hell you meant?

So, it doesn't count as a loss like in CoD? I never wanted to join and quit for that reason (though I doubt my beta stats will transfer to the real game anyways)...

The average campaign for an FPS is 8-10 hours on the hardest setting.

If that's what you can afford, then I think you made the right choice.

Sure, because you can only ever play one of them! You liked BF3 beta so MW3 must suck!!!

Me too. I don't even try the MP ONCE until I beat the single player on the hardest difficulty.

I've never played the other Battlefield games, but this was my impression of B3 as well.