
Suddenly I want to play "MOOOOM"

You're not really making sense.

I'll look into them.

You REALLY don't see an image of what is widely regarded as Jesus Christ's image on that NES?

WHAT the EFF are you babbling about?

LULZ like ANYONE gives a crap about this, or would let it affect their buying habits.

I have some good friends that LOVED Oblivion, but never played Morrowind. A couple of them didn't even know Morrowind existed (let alone the previous games) until I told them.

LOL no worries.

LOL, you can use a standard Ethernet cable to do the transfer. I've done it myself a couple times with friends' consoles. You needed the transfer cable for going from a fat to a fat, but going from a fat to a slim or a slim to a slim only needs an Ethernet cable.

If you think the publishers don't market this game to kids, and that kids aren't the biggest demo playing it, you're extremely naive. The rating has nothing to do with it- it's just there to please politicians and "think of the children" types.

Yes. Really.

LOL who the hell said anything about government intervention?

Have you ever played COD?

I eat almost exclusively raw vegetables, with a few servings of meat thrown in each week, save for special occasions, BBQs, etc.

This seems ridiculously unfair.


someone either doesn't understand, or doesn't care about, international copyright law LOL...

just about as likely as Halo on PS3, IMHO.

It is. The oysters in particular are amazing. Gotta be kumamotos tho. Full-size oysters are too fishy.

Sounds neat, but would be impossible to play.