
Lemme rip up your man card here...

Uh, it's almost impossible to get a special edition of a new release video game on day 1 when it's such a highly anticipated title.

I'd be willing to bet that most video gaming is actually done during the week, after work hours, not on the weekends.

Like how in Oblivion you can walk through emptiness for ages and then actually reach the other realms? (albeit with no graphics of any kind, just the notification at the top of the screen that you've reached morrowind or whichever area it was. I can't recall but I reproduced the glitch).

The dictionaries of the world disagree with you!

I've never understood the Gears games. I like FPS games just fine but Gears just seems like a broken piece of junk. Can't aim precisely or anything. So weird to me that it's so popular.

Not true. Traditional, linear math is a lie. This much has been proven. 1 + 1 =/= 2. That's a proven fact.

Actually, since they know that MOST channels are very niche and appeal to a very limited audience, the cable companies have deals with the channels to package less desirable content with more desirable content. They do this on purpose because they know that there wouldn't be enough subscribers to the NASA channel if

Well whoop-de-fucking-doo.

Yeah but be fair. the PS3 exclusives SUCK. I'd rather have 3 polished games than 10 polished turds.

I think he means he'll be willing to pay more on a per-channel basis.

I don't know anyone that pays for TV. Seriously.

I repair xbox 360 consoles.

Uh, the devs are supporting MS's core audience just fine.


LOL what part of the article said you could get any channels you want?

Wow, you sure are a shining beacon of intelligence.

Calm down there colonel Cooper.

Without the repetition you'd never remember any of it.