
The interesting part to me is that on a 7200 RPM drive it is actually fairly playable which indicates that at least for this game the speed necessary to run it well is only a little above the average speed of a good HDD rather than the massive increase in speed of an SSD that has been the pushed narrative by Sony.

I think this article inadvertently reveals why they’d cut it. There’s no comfortable way to turn murder and torture into a neat fungible value to compare against a bunch of others without looking absurd. You could of course outright not allow your student of Hogwarts to do something that would get them instantly

If you’re grinding before becoming Champion you’re doing it wrong.

I’m sure that angry Americans on Twitter will really have an impact on changing the cultural perspectives of Chinese developers.

For the record, while this looks like a speedrun through the definition of “hypocrisy”, something the Senator is no stranger to, for context the clip is actually part of a longer conversation where Cruz is basically saying that, while he will spend money in order to get to the front of the line faster, he thinks
