
Do you mind adding a little red heart to your icon so it shows I hearted you?


Has it ever happened to you that you're in one article talking about one subject (say...oh, I don't know...the XOOM?), and then you write a comment on it, but it ends up in another article of a completely different subject??

I frankly don't know how they're still in business.

But think of the killer deltoids you'd develop. You'd be the buffest handicapped around!

The tablet also doubles as sandpaper...

Never. Because WiMax is not an entity that decides how to use it's technology; it's either Sprint or Clear that need to make a move (if they want to at all).

I think the Android version was showcased a while ago before the site change.

You should then get better phones. So no matter how you hold it, you won't lose all your signal strength.

It's because that's the way Wild Bill Hickok was holding his iPhone when he was shot to death trying to call for backup. Little did he know AT&T stood for American Telegraph & Taxes.

As pointed below, the real issue with the AT&T iPhone 4 was bridging the 2 antennas together, which was an issue exclusive to the iPhone. So while I do agree this video seems a bit pushy, Antennagate was a real problem, and a big miss on Apple's part.

Why is Apple discriminating against people with big hands??

Do not worry; the cases were isolated and almost completely unheard of.

Yes, it does look horrible. A rectangle with round corners and a circle at the bottom....Who could possibly come up with such a lame design?

Why? I'd think he'd make even more money, you know, just selling it instead of making up stuff, maybe?

Moon cheese....that is all.

You know this is probably just a prank by Motorola...a really bad prank.

You don't have to be an Apple hater to buy this; just an allergy to money.

We don't know the price of the iPad 2 yet, or if it even has comparable features.

It's actually a very nice tablet, though it is too expensive for my taste. For some people it might be worth it anyways, especially if you were looking to get a 3G tablet.