
@Who-really-cares: If Android phone history is anything to go by, both the Xoom and the iPad2 will be eclipsed by the time the latter is launched.

@snitch: Without the Motoblur skin over it, you might be able to get the updates directly from Google, which is a nice change for once.

@kaffenated: I'd agree with you that the tablet seems overpriced....but that vanilla Honeycomb UI looks damn sexy. I'll decide once the reviews start coming in.

@vinod1978: Actually, I think Apple (or AT&T?) ran a commercial showcasing the simultaneous voice-data connectivity of the iPhone, and if it's true what people predict about a ton of AT&T customers switching over to Verizon, they're going to be unpleasantly surprised.

@Alex Accarino: AT&T and VZW are still fighting for customers. They haven't become buddies just because of the iPhone.

@Arken: You get a discarded phillips screw from a serviced iPhone.

@gnomeholed: Consumers do care about openness...they just don't know they do. Whenever they're asking why their iPhone can't have widgets or themes like their friends' phone (which they may think it's an iPhone), it's them asking for more control.

@rashad123us: Technically, this isn't really an iPhone advertisement. It's talking about the iPhone, but primarily it's promoting the network by addressing all Verizon loyals. Notice Apple still did it's own ad.

@Nigra: Like wanting an iPhone with a bigger screen?

@StarShooter: I've got dibs on the name "Gamecocks"...


@Retsaot: It's like you read my mind. 100% agree. Whoever thought about curving a urinal outward?

@Sprzout: Reminds me of a chlorine pad my brother told me about that had an advertisement on it, with the tag line: "We aim to be the best".

@PunkRockMachine: Urinals are a place for me to meditate, channel my mind force and find my place in the stream of life.

@rick23: To get anywhere in life you gotta aim high...

This blog is stupid; it has nothing to do with technology, and the author is stupid too.