
I get it - I'm safe at night. What's next - sharks with lasers attached to their frickin' heads?

@zenpoet: Well, they're still the same bees as before; it doesn't really demonstrate evolution.

@Clixx13: Probably because watching bacteria eat is fairly boring.

@harrismi: Don't hate because you're not as attractive....once you go black, you can't go back.

@bjmckenna: We need to send the Flash, he's faster than light. But really, by the time we get any information back from a probe (if it was possible at all) we'd have forgotten we sent it.

@MifuneT: Guess they...[glasses]...DUG THEIR OWN GRAVE...

@arj8138: I don't know if you can call GSM a clear winner when CDMA networks are almost universally preferred where available. Why do you think there's so much buzz about a Verizon phone?

@MaNiFeX: It works out for atheists who want to adopt the cheery feeling of the holiday while cutting out the religious background.

@Msj2705: I ain't pushing the tree, that's for sure....

@DirtyDogg: Well it was true at one point; it just changed over time. Just old info. But the point is, had they not started off with such a high fee, they wouldn't be in this position.

@smurfydog: I agree. Their software is great, they just need a good strategy. I'm sure they could go toe to toe with the competition if they just released a clear competitor to the most popular phones out there.

Don't even tell me....I have a 5 month old email waiting for my reply.

@hexidethoth: Why not get an Epic 4G? I mean, if you're willing to go for an iPhone (a $200 device), why not go for a comparable phone since you're on Sprint?

@pjbcool100: I doubt you're gonna get a Verizon iPhone in January, but I won't stop you from dreaming.

@You: Are you kidding me? Verizon's in control; they've demonstrated they don't need the iPhone by raking in the cash with the Droid line alone. If Verizon is smart, they'll make an even bigger list of demands that Steve Jobs has no choice but to comply with, unless Apple wants more brand assassination via AT&T. Apple

@WhiskeyTab: Strictly speaking, the iPhone 4's design flaw is that reception will dive if you bridge the gap with your finger. It won't always drop your call, unless your signal drops low enough.

@orangebluedevil: Next on the list: Why General Electric would make a better time machine than Boeing.

@Batmanuel: I wonder if an LTE phone is even possible without sacrificing a huge chunk of battery life; usually these new, faster wireless technologies eat up a lot of power.

@KamWrex: You could have the buffett all to yourself.