Master Prudent

Honestly? Could be any number of reasons. Maybe her girlfriend doesn't want to come out so she's keeping it quiet. Maybe she doesn't want it known around her school/work/whatever so she's keeping it quiet. Maybe it's something you can ask if you want to know but also something you should accept is her decision to make

Keep in mind that it's the first in an ongoing series. (The review that is, but I guess the game miiiight be too.)

I started over once and got about 3-4 hours in with my second Ryder but - god help me - I think I'm going to restart again because her chin is jutting out to an uncomfortable degree.

"…but if this one is a bunch of tedious fetch quests and navigating through bad menus in-between the actual fun parts then it'll be exactly like ME1"

Funny thing about the multiplayer: They actually made an enemy that more or less demands teamwork. The Ascendant has been the ruin of many a squad of level 1-5s. Partly it's just down to the fact that pretty much no one has run into one in the SP campaign yet and so very few people immediately realise that his shield

She cares not for weakling humans

Heh funnily enough my main gripe was with barriers and guard on my own party. Any difficult fight would inevitably degrade to me building up guard on my tank, resurrecting my part members, casting barrier on them and getting off some attacks before they squishies went down again and I redid the whole loop. But maybe

Just got back in (yay!) and you set up favourites by hitting backspace on the profiles screen so that's not hidden at all :/

From what SAM says in the first Nexus convo all pathfinders have an AI but only Ryder has the direct interface. (Courtesy of Dad doing further tinkering on SAM.)

No I mean as things stand now on PC all you have to do to access additional powers is hit one of the f keys to switch to a different profile. Is it more convoluted on console?

Yep! Only played about five hours during the trial and I still don't have a non-Avenger assault rifle but I had fun.

Yeah, this game is not great at tuorialising. I'm pretty sure I learned how to hover from a load screen.

Huh, I thought DA:I boasted Bioware's best squad of characters to date. (Disclaimer: I have not played NWN.) Each of them were super well thought out both in personality and in terms of the relationship they had with their cultural heritage and/or the organisations they worked for. I disliked quite a few other things

Most of my multiplayer matches were fine but annoyingly they set the default mic state to "always on" instead of the far more reasonable "push to talk". There is a mute function but it was a little glitchy in the trial and - from your report - I guess it still is.

You don't have to chose your loadout at the start of a mission. You have up to four separate loadouts which you can set up and save at any time (I'm pretty sure anyway - been a while since the trial and it hasn't been released for real in my region) that consist of one profile (adept, vangaurd, engineer and so on) and

Walk about
Flirt at Things

Given that the powers are on individual cool downs now I think six in a single profile would be a bit much.

I actively disliked the combat in DA:I. The way guard and barriers worked made it a tedious slog on harder difficulties.

is it that hard to access additional powers on the console versions? On the PC changing profiles is a single button press.

Did she also think that black people shouldn't have children because of the discrimination they would face?