Master Prudent

"…but that was just her concern about the discrimination that biracial children would face." Mmm hmm

Montreal did indeed build it (they worked on the multiplayer for ME3). Having said that Bioware has been moving staff between its studios and a bunch of the team that worked on Andromeda are series veterans.

You've got to put some serious effort in to make Ryder run like that. (I assume, I played the SP for about 6 hours or so and never saw it).

From what I've played you're not recruiting to fight the guy with the gravely voice. Mostly you're fighting to make planets viable for settlement.

In the early going there's a lot of people going on about the excitement of exploring but between bringing back all the old races and their conflicts and somewhat underwhelming starting environments it's not being communicated all that well in play, so far anyway.

There must be a little bit more to it than presets. He always gets your eye colour, for example.

Hair seems fine to me. At the very least it's certainly a big step up from DA:I. (Low bar, I know.)

I've played it for a few hours and I'd say they're serviceable. The occasional - but still too frequent - dialogue clunkers are far more bothersome.

But CDPR are folk heroes and will be until they are bought out/piss off their fanbase. Bioware are now a subsidiary of evil corp.

You could assume bad faith or you could just take the reviewer at face value when he clearly writes about why he didn't like it for well articulated reasons.

Except North Korea will always be worth the trouble to China because should the regime fall there are going to be a lot of refugees fleeing into China.

Fuck her don't, you know, fuck her.

My teeth are slightly yellow-ish, one's dead and grey because I took out the nerve with a fridge door and another has twisted around on its side. You're doing ok.

Dunno at what stage of the process things go wrong but Tinder has set up a podcast and they did an episode that does a decent job of going through dos and don'ts wrt to profiles: http://creative.gimletmedia…

If I can offer some advice: Don't hang around the hinterlands too much in the early going. Progress the main quest a little and pick up some companions.

In my (admittedly limited) experience with them they're as much persistence games as skill games.

Ha! I wish I had that excuse to explain my earlier lack of progress,

I agree so much. The companions were brilliantly thought out (especially with regards to their relationships with their racial/magical heritage) and the main missions were solid enough but oh god the endless go there/fetch that/kill that questing of those massive open areas was a chore and a bore.

Snazzle advised you well. I've finished that game four times and three of those times were as femshep for a reason.

Civilization Revolution, which was released for the 360? EDIT: I have no idea if it's on the backwards compatible list tho.